Can I return a product?

We warmly encourage you to read reviews and product information on the product page and in our FAQ before you make your purchase decision. Avoid impulse purchases. Watch the videos on product pages. Ask friends about their experience and have a look on YouTube. Hearing experiences and tips from others around you about using, for example, a safety razor or a period cup can be very helpful in getting started or deciding if it is something for you.

Need help getting started or having trouble?

Get in touch with us at [email protected]! We are happy to help you get started and to give you tips and links to helpful videos. If it turns out your product was faulty or incomplete, we will ensure that we fix that.

Returns are not free

The return shipping costs back to Lithuania are the responsibility of the buyer. Although you can return your product within 30 days after your order has been placed, we recommend considering alternative options because of the emissions and waste created by returns. To discuss returns or alternatives, contact us at [email protected].

We cannot accept returns of products that have been used or damaged by the customer. The return of any personalised items is also not possible.

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